Friday 31 October 2008

Day 5 - Replenish Your Stock of Bookmarks

Right, Day 5 and its another 'exciting' one, replenish your stock of bookmarks. Its in the title really isn't it, grab thin objects and put them in any publication. Not much else to put really. Its been a slow day. 

Also it feels like today is important but none of us can quite place a finger on it, dunno why, just feels like a day when something happens. 

That's it! The something important.... today.... the 31st October! Its the day the Mirrors Edge demos released, HURRAH!

Thursday 30 October 2008

Day 4 - Change Your Pillowcase

OK, a rather pointless task today so we did it early to get it out the way (and to ensure that our Beds looked spiffing in the early morning sunlight!). 


And there we go! 0-Gay in 3.45 seconds! Our bed looks delightful, fresh and rather feminine! All thanks to the Benrick bible! Might have a pit of a problem with "Get Laid" part of the book though... Oh well!

Fortunately it was our camera mans bed, and he doesn't know about it yet. Technically we changed one of the pillowcases on our collective beds so it counts yea? 

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Day 3 - Recalibrate Your Hourglass

To be completely honest with you, we were rather stumped by this one. We don't exactly know how to calibrate an hourglass, and for some reason this task hinted that it had already been calibrated previously. 

Still, we tried and hopefully got somewhere. To be honest it was early this morning and we were sleepy, but we did it anyway. (Luckily we both survived yesterdays task even though Liam was convinced that his life was about to end in a sugary mess).

Tomorrows task won't be a video unfortunately (we were naughty and looked ahead), and to be honest it didn't need a video. Also our video camera broke today. Hooray for Sony Quality! 

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Day 2 - Do Drugs

Day two, and our task was a rather debatable one. Do Drugs. Now we weren't actually going to smoke the ganja, so instead we sniffed the sherbet. Because were hardcore like that.

Previous to this video, we had already established that sniffing things (like mud) can be painful, and therefore took no precautions whatsoever to ensure we got the lulz. We did, we hope. Well we laughed. Afterwards of course. Although Ryan still has a blinding headache and Liam is blind in his right eye, whether that's because of the sherbet or the wild raccoon attack we're not sure.

Monday 27 October 2008

Day 1 - Create A Blog

Right, here we go, Day 1 on our truly epic quest to waste one whole year of our lives. But then where are my manners, we haven't introduced ourselves yet so, first things first, lets roar ahead with the names and so on.

The 'famous' blogger Liam Richardson in the foreground with the confused expression stretched across his masculine face. The other is the completely gorgeous Ryan Dewart with his amazing comic streak and light, bubbly personality (no prizes for guessing who wrote this passage).

Next on the agenda is the explanation as to why this post and this blog exsist and like stated before its simply for you, the public, most likely bored school students, to witness the sectacular waste of one year of our lives simply by following a easy-to-use list from the book 'Lose Weight! Get Laid! Find God!' by the wonderful Benrick, which is the year by year guide of how to live your life so if you own the book or have access to it then please feel free to run along side us as we go or even jump in half way through. 

That's pretty much it. Please subscribe or follow us through Blogspot, and check every day for videos and images as we waste our life!